Timeline Panel
Watch the Video on Timeline Panel
The Timeline Panel is a basic Non-Linear-Editor (NLE) with simple functionality to put video and audio together to complete your project.
The Timeline Panel is automatically open by default and can be closed and reopened by clicking on the tab in the bottom left corner of the entire software (Quadrant 3). (Hotkey - Alt+7)
The panel is divided into 3 basic parts: Labels, Editing Area, and Time
Titles for Shots, Dialog, SFX (Sound Effects), and Music. Shots is for the Video Tracks. Dialog, SFX, and Music are for the audio tracks. You can place audio wherever you like but for simplicity’s sake, it’s best to keep them in their respective tracks.
The “+” will add a track and the “-” will delete the lowest track.
Editing Area
This is the place where you can add, edit, and delete your video/audio. Each shot or audio file will be labeled with the name of the file.
If zoomed out too far, it may be difficult to read the text as it becomes truncated when zooming.
Each vertical line represents one half of a second (0.5 secs). The counter increments every 5 seconds. You can scroll and zoom on the timeline (See below).
The playhead is the long vertical aqua colored line with a triangle on top. That shows the user where they are in time in their project. The preview window will show that exact time and will play and scrub (moving the playhead left and right).
Adding Video
Adding video is a simple as left clicking and dragging on the video that was created in tick creation. The files are put in folders in the Explorer Panel.
Open up the Explorer Panel (Alt+2).
Click on the folder labeled Shots.
This will open all of the scenes that have shots in them.
Click on the folder for the Scene you wish to retrieve the shot - IE Scene 20
This will open all of the shots that have been created.
Left Click on the shot you wish to add to the Timeline and drag the file into the place you wish to put the shot on the video track.
There are two (2) tracks where you can put video. The top track is always visible.
You can then edit the shot, or clip, as you like (See below).
Adding Audio
Adding audio is a simple as left clicking and dragging on the audio that was either created by the Robot Voice, or Imported. The files are put in folders in the Explorer Panel.
Open up the Explorer Panel (Alt+2).
Click on the folder labeled Audio.
This will open all of the Subfolders that have audio in them (Dialog, Sound Effects, Music)
Click on the folder for which you wish to retrieve the audio- IE Dialog
This will open all of the files you have added to the folder.
Left Click on the audio you wish to add to the timeline and drag the file into the place you wish to put it on the audio track.
You can then edit the shot, or clip, as you like (See below).
Buttons on the Timeline
Although not as robust as higher end NLEs, Filmatick has some functionality as an editor.
On the LEFT SIDE of the panel are the following buttons (see below for how to use each):
Play- Will play the video from where the playhead is. The Play icon will change to a Pause icon. This is a toggle between Play/Pause. (Hotkey - Space Bar)
Stop and Reset Timeline - Once left clicked, the playhead will return to the start of the entire project. There is no hotkey for this.
Zoom Out - Will zoom out in the Timeline. There are three ways to do this. Left Click on the icon. Hit the “-” to zoom out quicker. CTL+scroll wheel will zoom in and out much faster.
Zoom In- Will zoom in to the Timeline. There are three ways to do this. Left Click on the icon. Hit the “+” to zoom out quicker. CTL+scroll wheel will zoom in and out much faster.
Cut Timeline Items - this will trim the video or audio. No need to select the object you want to trim. Left click at the spot - a black vertical line will indicate where it will trim on the object. (Hotkey - c)
Select Forward Timeline Items - Will select and move everything from where you click to the left. (Hotkey - m)
Auto Place Dialog - Will put the dialog from either an individual scene or an entire project in the timeline. Three is no hotkey for this. Click here to learn more.
Export Video - Will export the video with your selection of output resolution, video/audio codec, and to include individual scenes or the entire project. See more here.
On the RIGHT SIDE of the panel are the following buttons:
Maximize - this will make the panel the entire size of the software. Once this button is pushed, it is replaced with the minimize button.
Minimize - If the panel is maximized, the minimize button will replace the maximize button. Clicking on this button will return the panel to it’s original state.
Close - this will close the panel (Hotkey - Alt+7)
Editing Audio and Video
To move audio/video on the timeline, simply left click and drag to where you want to place it.
If you move one piece on top of another, a redline will outline the piece of audio/video that you are moving. This means once you let go of your drag, the piece you are dragging will be deleted from the Timeline. It will not be deleted from the Shot List, Explorer, or Script.
Moving entire Scenes or Scene Markers
It’s possible to move entire scenes or scene markers (the green polygon in the Time Area of the Timeline that looks like homeplate) to help identify where your scenes start and end. The scene markers also help scene navigation in the Shot List.
To move an entire scene, left click on the scene marker and drag to the Left or Right.
The entire scene will only drag to the left as far as the last part of the scene before. The clip that is the farthest to the right in the scene, will act as a stopping point.
To move ONLY a scene marker, make sure nothing else is selected and then CTL+left click on the scene marker to drag it Left or Right. You can drag this marker anywhere except past another marker.
There are two ways to trim a piece of audio/video. One is to go to the end of the clip. Once the cursor turns into a Vertical line with a box on it, you may lengthen or shorten the clip.
This will not scale the audio or video. If there is no more audio, it will only add silence. The video may add more movement of actors or props based on what was set in the Scene Blocking.
The other way to trim is to use the Trim tool.
Click on the trim tool to activate it (Hotkey - c)
The cursor will turn into a pair of scissors.
Go to the part of the clip you want to trim. A black vertical line will show you where it will trim, directly on the cursor.
Left click to trim.
You may click on the trim tool to deactivate it or hit the hotkey - c to deactivate it.
You may delete a clip two different ways.
One way is as easy as selecting it and hitting the DEL key on your keyboard.
Deleting a clip by dragging it over another clip
Left click on your clip you want to delete.
Left drag it over any other clip. This will put a red outline on your clip.
Let go of the left click.
The clip will be deleted.
This clip will not be deleted from the Shot List, Explorer, or Script.
Watch the Video on Timeline Panel