Robot Voice

Robot Voice, or Generate Dialog Text to Speech, is a fast and efficient way to add dialog to your project without any recording. Filmatick will automatically name and order the shots in the Explorer Panel so you don’t have to do any of it.

To use Robot Voice:

  1. Go to the Explorer Panel (Hotkey = Alt+2)

  2. Click on the Generate Dialog Text to Speech button

  3. A Text to Speech Window will pop up


  4. Select which scene you want to create the dialog for. You can do one scene at a time or the entire project if you like.

  5. Click on Place Dialog if you want to automatically place the dialog in the Timeline.

  6. Hit Confirm

  7. A new Window will pop up asking you to define which voices you want to associate with the actors in the scene or the entire project.

  8. Click on the Voice preset to change which voice you want to use for the character highlighted in the box.

  9. Click on Confirm

  10. Filmatick will continue to the next character until all of the character voices have been assigned.

  11. Once Filmatick is finished, the pop up will disappear. IF you chose to Place Dialog, the dialog will be placed in the timeline in a grey color.

Locating the dialog

After Filmatick finishes creating the dialog, it places it in the Explorer Panel under the Audio folder in the correct scene number.

Filmatick calls the Robot Voice files with an “_TTS” extension to differentiate them from actual recorded dialog.

Replacing Robot Voice to Actual Dialog

If you want to replace the auto-generated dialog with recorded dialog, simply record the audio file and name it the correct name. When you import the dialog, Filmatick will automatically replace the auto-generated files with the recorded ones.

However, if a scene already has any dialog in the tracks, you cannot use auto place dialog. The checkbox will be greyed out and unable to be checked.

Learn how to name and record dialog.