Dopesheet Panel
Watch the Video on the Dopesheet Panel
The Dopesheet Panel can only be used for Scene Blocking and Editing Shots. It’s the panel where the user can add keyframes to move/rotate any objects across time, with or without the audio from the Timeline.
To open the Dopesheet Panel, click on the tab in the top part of the lower quadrant across the bottom of the software (Quadrant 3). (Hotkey - Alt+7)
On the LEFT SIDE of the pane are the following buttons:
Play - Plays the scene/shot that is selected. Once this is on, it will toggle to the pause icon. This can toggle between the play and pause. (Hotkey - SPACEBAR)
Stop - Stops the playback and returns the scrubber back to the beginning of the file.
Previous Key - Moves the scrubber to the Previous Key of the selected object in the dopesheet. (Hotkey - Left Arrow (<)
Next Key - Moves the scrubber to the Next Key of the selected object in the dopesheet. (Hotkey - Right Arrow (>)
Set Key - Sets a key where the scrubber is of the selected object (Hotkey - s)
Delete Key - Deletes the selected key
Auto Key - Set keyframes automatically. (Hotkey - q)
Audio toggle - Turns the audio (if in the timeline) on/off
On the RIGHT SIDE of the panel are the following buttons:
Maximize - this will make the panel the entire size of the software. Once this button is pushed, it is replaced with the minimize button.
Minimize - If the panel is maximized, the minimize button will replace the maximize button. Clicking on this button will return the panel to it’s original state.
Close - this will close the panel (Hotkey - Alt+7)
Watch the Video on the Dopesheet Panel