Explorer Panel
Watch the Video on Explorer Panel
The Explorer Panel is an asset library that contains objects that may be added to your project. These include Imported Models, Filmatick’s built-in library, Floors, Audio, and Shot Timeline items.
Any of these objects may be added by Left clicking and dragging them into their perspective windows.
To open the Explorer Panel, click on the tab in the upper left corner of the software. This will open the Panel in Quadrant 1 (Hotkey - Alt+2).
On the LEFT SIDE of the Panel are the following buttons:
Import Audio - Allows the user to import audio files
Import Models - Allows the user to import models
Import Images - Allows the user to import images
Generate Dialog Text to Speech - Allows user to create dialog automatically through Robot Voices
On the RIGHT SIDE of the Panel are the following buttons:
Maximize - this will make the panel the entire size of the software. Once this button is pushed, it is replaced with the minimize button.
Minimize - If the panel is maximized, the minimize button will replace the maximize button. Clicking on this button will return the panel to it’s original state.
Close - this will close the panel (Hotkey - Alt+2)
Watch the Video on Explorer Panel
Go to Overview
Go to Properties Panel