Preview Panel
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The Preview Panel shows the movie files that are in the timeline. This behaves just like a monitor would as you drag the scrubber along the timeline. To make this panel larger, close any other panel that is in Quadrant 1 or Quadrant 2. This will make the Preview panel the entire width of the software.
The Preview Panel is open when the software starts. If it is closed, you can open the panel by clicking on the Preview Tab on the upper right corner of the software. This opens the panel in Quadrant 2 (Hotkey - Alt+5).
The aspect ratio will follow whatever you chose when you first created the project - IE Anamorphic.
On the RIGHT SIDE of the panel are the following buttons:
Maximize - this will make the panel the entire size of the software. Once this button is pushed, it is replaced with the minimize button.
Minimize - If the panel is maximized, the minimize button will replace the maximize button. Clicking on this button will return the panel to it’s original state.
Close - this will close the panel (Hotkey - Alt+5)
Watch the Video on Preview Panel