Shot List Panel
Watch the Video on the Shot List Panel
The Shot List Panel contains an spreadsheet that acts not only as a shot keeper but also as a navigator for your project.
To open the Shot List Panel, click on the tab in the lower right corner of the software (Quadrant 2). (Hotkey - Alt+6)
The Shot List gets automatically updated a few times during your use of Filmatick: Creating a new project and Creating shots.
1 - Creating a New Project
When a new project is created and a script is selected, Filmatick checks through the script for any Scene Headings and places them in the shot list as Scenes. It also has the following columns:
Page - Which page the scene is on.
Scene - Filmatick automatically numbers the scene by a factor of 10 (IE - 10, 20, 30)
Length - Filmatick calculates how long the scene is based on eighths
Set - This column is initially blank that will be filled in as Sets are associated with each scene. .
2 - Creating Shots
Whenever shots are created by creating Ticks on the script, the resulting shot is placed in the correct scene. The following columns are also automatically added:
Shot -The shot is automatically numbered by a factor of 10 (IE - 10, 20, 30).
Shot Type - Which shot is used (CU, MCU, WIDE, ETC)
Length - Calculated by the length of the Tick based on eighths
Lens Type - The Lens information added by the user.
The following may be added by the user:
Description - What may happen in the shot
Style of shot (Boom, Dolly, ETC) - Multiple Check boxes
Notes - Any other notes may be filled in by the user at any time.
To open the scene to see the shots, click on the little arrow on the far left of each scene.
Shot List as a Scene Navigator
Not only does the Shot list keep track of all your scenes and shots, it acts as a navigator through the software.
Go to Scene
If you left click on a Scene, the software will move to the place in the script where that scene is. The timeline will also move to make that scene the first part of the timeline
The very first time you click on a scene, however, Filmatick will ask you to select a set to be associated with that scene. After that initial setup, the scene will act as a navigator.
Open Set, Open Scene Blocking, Open All Shots
If you right click on the scene, a context menu will open:
Open Set - Will open in the 3d Tab, the set associated with the scene.
Remove Set - Will remove the set from the Scene.
Open Scene Blocking - Will open in the 3d Tab, the Scene Blocking associated with the scene.
Open All Shots - Will open in the 3d Tab, all of the shots associated with the scene.
Exporting a List
On the LEFT SIDE of the panel are two buttons: Scene List and Shot List
Scene List - Clicking on this will create a CSV file of just the Scene List.
Shot List - Clicking on this will create a CSV file of a the shot list for every Scene.
On the RIGHT SIDE of the panel are the following buttons:
Maximize - this will make the panel the entire size of the software. Once this button is pushed, it is replaced with the minimize button.
Minimize - If the panel is maximized, the minimize button will replace the maximize button. Clicking on this button will return the panel to it’s original state.
Close - this will close the panel (Hotkey - Alt+6)
Go to Overview
Go to Timeline Panel