3d Panel
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The 3d Panel contains any of the 3d views in Filmatick. It is where the user can create sets, adjust scene blocking, and edit any shots.
To open the 3d Panel, click on the 3D tab in the upper right corner of the software. This opens the Panel in Quadrant 2(Hotkey - Alt+4).
On the LEFT SIDE of the Panel are the following buttons:
Grid View - Toggles on/off the Grid from the 3d view. (Hotkey - g)
Wall Creation - When active, allows the user to Create Walls (Hotkey - d)
Floor Mode - When active, only the floors can be manipulated. When inactive, anything else can be manipulated.
Overlay - allows the user to see both views simultaneously. (Hotkey - O)
Camera View - Only in Shot Mode. Allows the user to see the shot view. (Hotkey - c)
Perspective Toggle - Switches between the Overhead view and the Perspective view. To switch between the views, click on the Perspective button. (Hotkey - Shift + Spacebar)
Center View - when clicked, it will center the entire view based on the current set, scene, or shot.
Learn more about how to manipulate the view in the 3d Panel.
Translate Mode - When active, the user may translate (move) any selected object. The Translate Gizmo will also turn on the selected object. (Hotkey - w)
Rotate Mode - When active, the user may rotate any selected object. The Rotate Gizmo will also turn on the selected object. (Hotkey - e)
Scale Mode - When active, the user may scale any selected object. The Scale Gizmo will also turn on the selected object. (Hotkey - r)
Global Mode - When toggled, allows object manipulation in a global mode. (X is left/right, Y, is up/down, Z is back/forth). This toggles with Local Mode. (Hotkey - CTL + g)
Local Mode - When toggled, allows object manipulation relative to the object selected. This toggles with Global Mode. (Hotkey - CTL + L)
Learn more how to moving an object in the 3d Panel.
On the RIGHT SIDE of the panel are the following buttons:
Maximize - this will make the panel the entire size of the software. Once this button is pushed, it is replaced with the minimize button.
Minimize - If the panel is maximized, the minimize button will replace the maximize button. Clicking on this button will return the panel to it’s original state.
Close - this will close the panel (Hotkey - Alt+4)
Watch the Video on 3d Panel
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