Edit Shots in the Timeline
Watch the Video on How to Edit on the Timeline
Once your shots are created you can put them in the timeline just like any Non-Linear-Editor (NLE). The user can edit the length, cut at any point, move, and delete a shot. The user can also move entire sections of video and audio as well as add or delete entire tracks.
Although the Timeline isn’t meant to be a complete editing system, it is robust enough to put your movie together with multiple tracks of video and audio.
Editing Audio and Video
To move audio/video on the timeline, simply left click and drag to where you want to place it.
If you move one piece on top of another, a redline will outline the piece of audio/video that you are moving. This means once you let go of your drag, the piece you are dragging will be deleted from the Timeline. It will not be deleted from the Shot List, Explorer, or Script.
Moving entire Scenes or Scene Markers
It’s possible to move entire scenes or scene markers (the green polygon in the Time Area of the Timeline that looks like homeplate) to help identify where your scenes start and end. The scene markers also help scene navigation in the Shot List.
To move an entire scene, left click on the scene marker and drag to the Left or Right.
The entire scene will only drag to the left as far as the last part of the scene before. The clip that is the farthest to the right in the scene, will act as a stopping point.
To move ONLY a scene marker, make sure nothing else is selected and then CTL+left click on the scene marker to drag it Left or Right. You can drag this marker anywhere except past another marker.
There are two ways to trim a piece of audio/video. One is to go to the end of the clip. Once the cursor turns into a Vertical line with a box on it, you may lengthen or shorten the clip.
This will not scale the audio or video. If there is no more audio, it will only add silence. The video may add more movement of actors or props based on what was set in the Scene Blocking.
The other way to trim is to use the Trim tool.
Click on the trim tool to activate it (Hotkey - c)
The cursor will turn into a pair of scissors.
Go to the part of the clip you want to trim. A black vertical line will show you where it will trim, directly on the cursor.
Left click to trim.
You may click on the trim tool to deactivate it or hit the hotkey - c to deactivate it.
You may delete a clip two different ways.
One way is as easy as selecting it and hitting the DEL key on your keyboard.
Deleting a clip by dragging it over another clip
Left click on your clip you want to delete.
Left drag it over any other clip. This will put a red outline on your clip.
Let go of the left click.
The clip will be deleted.