Edit a Tick

Edit a Tick

Editing a Tick is as simple as left clicking and dragging. Just make sure you are not in Tick Creation mode. If your cursor looks like a Tick when in the Script panel, you are in Tick creation mode. To get out of Tick Creation mode, simply click on the Tick Creation Icon on the top left of the Script Panel. (T - Hotkey).

Selecting a Tick

To Select a Tick, Left Click on the Tick. This will make it a slightly brighter color than the other ticks.

Moving an Entire Tick

Left Click and Drag on the Tick body (the longer vertical line). This allows you to place the Tick wherever you like.

Moving the Head or Tail of a Tick

The top part of the Tick is the Head. It contains the Shot Number and Type of Shot. The Tail is the opposite end or the last part of the shot.

To move either the Head or the Tail, Left Click and Drag on the Head or the Tail. This will lengthen or shorten the size of the Tick.

Deleting a Tick

There are two ways to delete a Tick:

1 - Left Click on the Tick and press the DELETE or BACKSPACE key on the Keyboard

2 - Right Click on the Tick. That will bring up a context menu. Select Delete.




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