Hey! What are all of these folders in my project?

We creatives are a curious bunch. We always ask why and sometimes like to tinker around. Some of us are neat freaks and like to make sure our space is clean and pristine. Others don’t mind the mess and leave things in “their own place”.

That is all excellent and I don’t want anyone to change.

Except with Filmatick’s folders

When the project is initially created, Filmatick looks to folders that it creates to find things. Folders like Models, Sets, Audio, Images…to name a few. Filmatick needs those folders and the objects it creates in those in order to help make your film look nice.

Moving or deleting these could cause errors or even not allow Filmatick to open.

You can add as many folders as you want to your project directory. Filmatick is pretty cool with that. Just be careful to not delete or move any of the Filmatick created files or folders.

Sure, it may look cleaner but the project may not work.

To read more about the folder structure, click here.