To AutoKey or Not

To AutoKey or Not

A keyframe in Filmatick is a little diamond in the dopesheet. This signifies that at a certain point in time, the object selected will be both placed and rotated at a spot. Filmatick will figure out what happens between the keys, thus allowing the object to move in time.

Setting keys is easy enough. All you must do is select the object you want to move, go to the time you want to move it, move it, and then hit “s” to set a key frame.

Go here to see this in action and do it step by step.

Filmatick offers something even easier - AutoKey. This will allow the user to set keyframes without thinking about it. All you must do is go to the time you want to move something and then move it. Filmatick will already set the keyframe at that time.

AutoKey is ideal for making changes to your objects or cameras as well. When making camera adjustments, it’s encouraged to keep AutoKey on.

To toggle whether AutoKey is on or not, Left Click on the Icon. If it is highlighted, it’s on. If it isn’t highlighted, it’s off. The hotkey for AutoKey is Q.