I just want to draw ticks!

I just want to draw ticks!

What if you don’t want to go through the whole process of creating a set and then figuring out your scene blocking? Sometimes, you just want to draw a bunch of lines (ticks) on your script to set your plan in motion. Later, you can figure out what the shots look like.

You get in that mode. I can see my shots but I want to quickly jot those down. I have no idea how they are going to edit together or where they will get placed but I know what shots I want.

Can it be as easy as drawing lines on a script?

Yes it can!

Filmatick is setup to be done in order but rules are made to be broken.

There are multiple ways to creating a tick. A set doesn’t need to be complete and scene blocking doesn’t have to be fully animated. But it all helps.

Quickest way to create a tick

After you bring in a script, you must create or associate a set a to scene. Filmatick needs some base of which to create the ticks. The nice thing is, the set doesn’t have be finished. You can always go back and flesh out the set.

But there has to be something.

The easiest thing to do is to drag and drop something from the built-in library. Now you have a set!

Once you have this set, you may want to add in a character. You would have to open the Scene Blocking and drop in a character. You don’t have to animate the character at all in the scene blocking, just add them.

If you don’t add a character, Filmatick doesn’t know what actors you want in your shots so you are extremely limited to what type of shots you can use - only WIDE, TWO SHOT, and similar shots. You won’t be able to use ECU, CU, and shots like that are associated to characters.

After you add your character(s), you can start creating ticks! Click on the Tick icon in the script tab and left click to start and left click to end. A modal will open, asking you what shot you want. Voila! You have a shot the quickest way!


  1. When Filmatick prompts you to create a set, click on Create a Set and name it whatever you want.

  2. In the Explorer window, go to the object in the Built-in Library that you want to bring in to the set and drag and drop it in.

    1. This doesn’t have to be fancy at all. Just drop it in there.

  3. In the Script window, click on the Tick Icon

  4. Left click in the script where you want to start the tick and left click again where you want to end the tick.

  5. When the modal pops up, click on the type of shot, which character you want (if you want a character associated), and the lens.

  6. Click Confirm.

You’re done!

Here’s a more in-depth way of creating a tick.