What Screenplay formats does Filmatick accept?

What Screenplay formats does Filmatick accept?

Filmatick does more than just import your screenplay. It analyzes parts of it so it can categorize your scenes and characters. The software intelligently finds the dialog and even knows where to place it on the timeline based on the script.

Not all screenplay software are created equal. Currently, Filmatick works best with Final Draft files but can use a multitude of other software.

Writer Duet is another package that is fantastic and used by many screenwriters/filmmakers. You can import a Writer Duet file into Filmatick by first exporting the file as a Final Draft w/o notes file. This is done by going to File ->Export Document->Final Draft w/o Notes. Once this file is exported, follow the same steps to importing your script into Filmatick.

Writer Duet is a powerful package that can also import Word docs, PDF files, and Celtx files among others. If you use any of those tools to write your screenplay, simply import it into Writer Duet and export it as a Final Draft w/o Notes file.

If you still have questions or issues with importing your script, contact us at support@filmatick.com.