There are 3 different ways to manipulate an object in the 3d Panel: move, rotate, and scale. Each way of manipulation has a “gizmo” associated with it. The gizmo is a tri-colored object that won’t be seen by the camera when you create a movie or print out scenes. It is used only to manipulate the object.
The colors of each gizmo represent a different axis.
Red = X
Green = Y
Blue = Z
Move or Translate Mode
To get into this mode, click on the Translate Button (Hotkey - w)
This gizmo allows the user to move the object around in 3d space.
The user has multiple ways to move an object with this gizmo. By left clicking and dragging on the object, you can move the object in any direction.
By left clicking and dragging on any arrow, the user can only move in that axis. Green - up/down, Red - left/right, Blue - back/forth
If the user clicks on the small squares, they can move the object relative to the plane. Green square - in x/z plane, Blue square - in x/y plane, Red square - in y/z plane.
Rotate Mode
Rotate Mode - When active, the user may rotate any selected object. The Rotate Gizmo will also turn on the selected object. (Hotkey - e)
Scale Mode - When active, the user may scale any selected object. The Scale Gizmo will also turn on the selected object. (Hotkey - r)
Global Mode - When toggled, allows object manipulation in a global mode. (X is left/right, Y, is up/down, Z is back/forth). This toggles with Local Mode. (Hotkey - CTL + g)
Local Mode - When toggled, allows object manipulation relative to the object selected. This toggles with Global Mode. (Hotkey - CTL + L)